Our volunteers work hard here in the UK and Spain to ensure that our spanish…

The Story of an Imperfect Adopter
This is the tale of an adopter of two Spanish Stray dogs, Elmo and Mollie. Otherwise known as The Rulers of the Household. Elmo has been with me for a year and Mollie nine months.
I grew up
I live on my own and I work full time, so at
It didn’t take long to discover that UK rescue agencies wouldn’t touch me with a long pole due to the fact I work unless I lied my backside off which I wasn’t going to do. I understood their position, but I still felt I had something to offer. I travel to Romania each year on work so I was aware of the problems they have there with packs of stray dogs roaming the cities and towns, and I quickly found that this was a problem in several European countries – including Spain
To cut a long story short I decided to give it a go. I started with an email to the SSD adoption team explaining my situation as honestly as possible and asking whether they felt I could make a go of it and they gave me the green light!
So a year ago I collected Elmo from his foster home in Cornwall
Lovely Elmo
Three months later I was back in Cornwall to pick up Mollie
Mollie in her favourite sofa
So after a year what have I gained?
- I used to live on my own, not as a hermit you understand, but now I have my little family
- Much needed exercise
- The wonderful knowledge that no matter what the rest of the world think of me there are two little creatures who love me.
- There are two more dogs with a home than there were. I think I’ve done a good thing even if I do gain much more than I’ve given
How about my dogs?
I made them both a promise;
- You’ll never be hungry again
- You’ll never be cold again
- No one will ever hurt you again
- You’ll always be loved
Mollie and Elmo enjoying a well deserved rest
As I said right at the start I’m not the perfect adopter. I’d like to be able to spend more time with them than I can. A whole family would probably be better. Elmo still has his demons which I worry about sometimes but overall I think they are happy.
I think they won
My message to anyone out there who would like to adopt a stray dog but think you can’t is to consider the possibilities.
Ask SSD for advice. Explain your circumstances honestly. They will give you the advice and support you need during the adoption process and after You might still decide it’s not practical, but then again you might find yourselves waking up each morning with a delighted bundle of fur jumping all over you!
This post was written by SSD Adopter Alastair Forbes, dad to Molly and Elmo
What a lovely story. I don’t think for minute that Elmo and Mollie feel they have won second prize! To them this is the best prize you could have given them both – a loving forever home, where as you say they will never be alone, scared, hurt or hungry again. This is a first class prize!! x
Thank you so much for that Lindsay! One thing I do know is that I have won First Prize even when they are playing me up!
Second choice – never! I’m in Spain and I adopted “the dog no-one wanted” – I was off sick and had to walk every day…boring by yourself. I spent months looking to adopt a new bestie…. she was very stressed and close to untouchable, two collars, two leads and another harness and lead, but we made it. She progressed and so did I. Life was great. I never regret the time we shared except to wish it had been longer
You sound far from imperfect. Your post is so unbelievable kind….as an adopter of two myself, I am not perfect either, my Podenco girls are not perfect, instead they are gorgeous. Who needs perfection when there is comminment and love? My best wishes to you, Mollie and Elmo.
Best Regards.