A spanish dog looking for love from an adopter
This is the story of Valentin, a dog seeking for a home. Valentin is a very special dog. For a start he is a very rare breed from Spain, A Galician Shepherd, whose cream colour makes him stunningly beautiful. Similar to German Shepherds, these dogs are intelligent, sociable, hardworking and very loyal. Today Valentine is a very sad dog. At just one year old, he has gotten to know many people, survive sickness, and experience living in the warmth of a home, and now he is living his darker days, sad and alone in a kennel. Valentin has been given back by his adopters and he is bewildered, stressed and very scared. We want to tell you his story so you will see what we see, the most wonderful dog looking for love. Who will be the person that gives Valentine his happy ending?

One year ago, we received a message from animal lovers at the infamous Orense pound in the North of Spain. Four little pups had been left at the pound. Someone found them at the side of a road and could not keep them. The pups were barely three weeks old, small, hungry and very cold. The pounds in the north of Spain are notoriously harsh and four small babies would have had no chance of surviving the cold, and the lack of appropriate food and shelter. In addition to that, illness would soon have caught up with them.
A decision had to be made and fast. Could our charity afford to finance the care of these babies when we were so stretched with many dogs needing our help? The response was not, we could not financially afford it, but we could not let them die either, their helpless faces already stretched firmly in our hearts and minds.
Very quickly we got to work and with the help of volunteers on the ground we found boarding kennels in the area. After a quick telephone call the transfer of the pups was agreed. Transport was booked and soon they left the pound behind on their way to a brighter future as Spanish stray dog’s pups.

On arrival to the boarding kennels the dogs quickly discovered comfy beds for the first time in their lives and they loved it. Very quickly they started to play and feel a bit more confident. Human attention was not a bad thing after all. Now, we just had to wait for them to grow up a bit so they could travel to the UK. Time for us to focus on the many other dogs that needed our help.
Two days later we received an urgent message, one of the pups was not well. She was quiet and did not seem very interested in food. A quick trip to the vet could not identify anything serious, medication was given and the pup was soon back at the kennels with their siblings. Our joy was short lived. The next morning the pup was listless. A quick trip to a different vet diagnosed her with a Mediterranean disease, Babiesa, which if not caught on time is mortal. The vet worked hard to save her but soon she passed away in her sleep. We were devastated. What about the other pups? Terror set in as they could be sick too. We ordered for all the pups to be tested and our worst fears came true, they all had the condition but at an earlier stage. Time for antibiotics, hydration and care in the clinic so all the pups could be treated and closely monitored. To our relief a couple of days later the vet told us all the pups were out of danger, we had caught it on time and they were on their way to recovery.

So now with only three pups, and always remembering the pup that did not make it, we just set out to wait for them to grow bigger and stronger, and hope for a bright future.

The videos of them playing were sent daily. Through them we could get to know them and could see that Lobita was a sensitive soul, different from their siblings in colour and temperament. Akira was the most vivacious of them all, she always wanted to play, bullying Valentin, the only male of the litter, into all sort of games and trouble. Valentin was always happy to oblige to the games and full of joy. He was a real gentleman always following the girls in their adventures. He was the sweetest-hearted dog, always looking for a kiss and attention.
Within two weeks of arriving, the pups have decided that these were their kennels and at two months old, barely able to stand up without tumbling over, they were telling off the dogs that misbehaved. Their small sizes were not an obstacle and very quickly we could see that they were intelligent, loyal and full of courage.

And this is how these three beauties grew up in kennels but safe from harm. Always asking for kisses, hugs and more time out to play.
Time passed, neutering took place, rabies were given, and after many photos were taken and posted three adopters came through. Our guys were soon on their way to the UK. This was bitter sweet as these three siblings were going their different paths and would no longer live together. We hoped that they would have all the love they needed to be happy.

Akira and Lobita made it to their new homes and showed themselves to be sweet, feisty, intelligent, naughty and so willing to learn and please. They were scared too. After a life in kennels all the comforts and love felt at times scary but with some work from their adopters, they quickly became the lovable pets we needed them to be.
Valentine made it home and as her sisters he was full of hope looking forward to the love, the hugs and be the center of his new family. And he was but for a while….Sadly six months later after arrival he was deemed too big, exuberant, and clumsy and was given back. This is how Valentin had to make the sad journey to kennels in the UK.

This is where he is today. He is not adapting to the kennels and is so scared that he does not want to come out. He wonders why he is no longer in a home and where his family have gone. He needs us to know that he is a loving dog, that he is playful and intelligent. He can be a bit clumsy, and when he plays he gets really excited but he is just a baby. He wants us to know that he will be the perfect dog. He just needs us to tell him what to do, how to behave, when to be careful, when it is safe to run and be crazy. He is so intelligent that he will quickly understand what he needs to do. Valentin is looking for love and we want to give it to him in spades.

So this is the story of Valentin, an unlucky dog. We know that his story is not over and we ask that you help us write the happy ending he deserves.
Give Valentin a chance, give Valentine a home
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