In march 2020 we saw and agreed to help a small dog in the north…

From Spanish stray dog to a loved pet
For as long as I can remember I have always wanted a dog. My husband and I got our German Shepherd, Indy in 2018, but we always knew we’d get another dog. And in 2019 that happened.
I was scrolling through Instagram one day and a girl I followed spoke about how she was getting a dog from Spanish Stray Dogs UK. I immediately went on to the website and found a puppy called Akira. She was one of three pups rescued on Valentine’s day. I spoke to my husband about it, and I felt it was a sign. I couldn’t stop thinking about little Akira, so I sent an email asking about her … and the process began not long after that. Everything was done so quickly because the Charity was keen to get the siblings into homes as soon as possible.

We decided to rename her to Bibi, after a rescue dog we had met in California in 2018 and she fits the name so well. Bibi and her two siblings, Valentin and Lobita (now Nelly) travelled together in a van from Spain. I was on the tracker for 3 days constantly watching to see where my little pup was. When the drivers came into the UK, I was ecstatic because I knew she was that little bit closer to us. I had spoken to the family who was adopting Lobita and it turned out they were living in Scotland as well. I think that full weekend we spoke online with such excitement, comparing notes about what food we were putting our new family members on, and what the sleeping arrangements would be, etc. It was very exciting!

On Sunday 26th May, 2019 we picked Bibi up at the Stirling services. We had bought some snacks, and food for the drivers as a thank you as they had been traveling for so long and it was the least we could do. Bibi was so small and terrified, but she was perfect. We got into the car and she sat next to me in the back seat on the way home. I remember her constantly looking out of the windows and being so inquisitive as to her new surroundings. We were so impressed with how she coped. When she met Indy our GSD it was an instant friendship. They are inseparable now and when they lie on their bed, Bibi likes to cuddle into her. I think having Indy has really helped Bibi grow and become even more confident in herself. Indy was always so patient with her and Bibi has done wonders for Indy’s confidence.

There was of course struggles which we expected. Bibi showed signs of separation anxiety and really struggled with other dogs on walks and got herself really worked up. We worked hard on these things and she copes so well with other dogs on walks and knows that we will keep her safe. She really enjoys her walks now, and she gets so excited when the lead comes out. She is so gentle with her food, and really savours every mouthful. You can see just how happy she is lying in her bed with all of her toys, and on Christmas day, seeing her face with all her new toys was something ill never forget, she looked so grateful and excited.

Bibi really didn’t like men and she struggled with my husband Grant. We adjusted so many things to help her get used to him. He would put his black work boots on in the car so they didn’t scare her and we avoided wearing all black. We’re now in March 2020 and Grant can wear his boots around the house and she isn’t phased, and we can wear all black and she rolls over us getting us covered in hair. It took around 4/5 months for Bibi to fully trust Grant because of her background, but now they are best friends and when he comes home from work she has the biggest smile on her face. She also loves my mum so much and is able to stay calm around other people. Bibi loves cuddles and loves the attention of her 3 favourite humans and Indy of course.

Both Indy and Bibi look out for each other constantly and everyone comments on how lovely a dog Bibi is and how nice it is that both dogs get on so well. They are my babies and I’m so proud of how far Bibi has come in such a short space of time. I cant wait to see what her future holds for her, but I know she is happy, settled, confident and the most loving little dog. I sometimes look at her and wonder if she realizes how grateful we are to have her and how much her personality makes us laugh on a daily basis. As I finish this post, she has just jumped up next to me on my sofa for a cuddle, she must be checking that I’m saying nice things about her.

I cannot thank Spanish Stray Dogs UK enough for my little Spanish pup, and for all of the work they do to help other dogs in need. You are amazing!

Blog is written by Laura Whitefield, Bibi’s adopter
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